Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It Is Over!

Finally, the elections are over....and none too soon. If this would have gone on any longer I think I would have gone stark raving mad...or at least more so.

Whatever your political leanings are, it is time for all of us to rally around our leaders and let them know that we are behind them, just so long as they remember who they are working for.

Enough of that. With the fall weather comes the annual task of "puttin up the produce". While we have slowed that down over the past few years, we still put up pumpkins for baking, berries for jam and squash for baking.

I do think we are about ready for winter. The freezers are full and I think we have enough provisions to last about three months should we get snowed in!

Tune in again soon for another edition of "Now What Are They Doing?"

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