Friday, January 23, 2009

Roughing It

As many of you know, I can be very obsessive when it comes to something that I have a interest in.

One of my obsessions, if you will, would have to be recreational vehicles and the many features that they contain.

The days of camping out under the stars or in a tent are history for me. I will camp out under the stars, but there must be a roof between me and the star studded atmosphere.

Over the years we have seen and owned many types of camping units. Those include everything from a very simple tent to a unit with all the creature features of home.

In my travels looking for that perfect rig, I discovered this picture.

Wow! How excessive is that? In reality, maybe someone lives in that unit and travels around the country. In that case, I think it is a great rig...if you can afford it.

Curious about inside pictures? here we go....

I would like to write more about this beauty, but I am off to buy this week's lottery ticket so I can purchase one of these.

Tune in again soon for another edition of "Now What Are They Doing?"

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