Friday, April 11, 2008

Dodged The Bullet & A trip Into The Past

In yesterday's blog I mentioned (whined) about the snow we had in the weather forecast. Well, we dodged the bullet again. It all went North of us. We just had rain, thunder, lightning and high winds. Our neighbors to the North have 14 inches and another five inches of the white headache to deal with.

I ran across a few pictures the other day I wanted to pass along to you. If you recognize them then you already belong to AARP or will very soon be joining!

Well there we go. How old does that make you feel? That was not my intention at all. What I did realize was how much more simple things appeared back then. Candy cigarettes! Not any more! Twenty-five cent gasoline? Never again. Green stamps...Hmmm, does that have anything to do with a green card? Plop-Plop-Fizz-Fizz- Oh what a relief it is. Enough said.

I have a feeling that most of this weekend will be spent preparing for our huge rummage sale Friday and Saturday, April 18th and 19th. I sure hope the weather gets out of the 30's by then so we can have those hungry rummage people dig through our treasures.

Tune in again tomorrow for another edition of "Now What Are They Doing?".


Anonymous said...

Wow! That WAS a blast from the past - the only one I didn't recognize was the photo above the phone. Some metal tool/key for ??

Our Skelly gas station attendant filled the car, checked our oil, and gave us free dishes...all for well under .50/gallon. Mom used to let us kids put together the green stamp books for her. Such simple entertainment. LOL!

Camping weather can't come too soon, as far as I see it! Looking soooo forward to throwin' the tent and gear on the T and riding.
(EclecticDawn from HSATF)

Bob said...

It is a skate key. They were used to clamp on the skates to your shoes. And the gasoline...I remeber during gas wars I saw gas at about 30 cents per gallon. I once said that if gas hit 50 cents per gallon I was walkin. Well, I am still droving! Bob