Those parents are Gary and Karen. They are the parents of the very nice young man you see sitting on Sue's former bike. Yup, her bike is gone but it now resides in a home where the whole family rides. How great is that?
It was a perfect motorcycle for Sue and we NEVER had a bit of trouble with it. It's dependability was appreciated as we toured all over the Midwest and Ontario, Canada.
Here is something weird. The guy I sold my bike to several weeks ago was named Gary. When the new owner of Sue's bike called and asked about the bike I about flipped when he said his name was Gary.
I wish I had about ten more bikes to sell. Both bikes sold to the very first people who called about them.
It is hard to believe that it's back to work tomorrow already. We have been real busy getting ready for the rummage sale coming up Friday and Saturday. I also got all the branches and sticks picked up on the front property and applied crabgrass control and fertilizer. The grass is really green but not really growing fast....yet. A few warm days will change that I am sure.
We talked with our youngest son Andy this weekend. Andy lives in Seattle, WA and is a recording engineer and belongs to a band. They are going out on tour in a week or so with play dates in Washington, Oregon and California. I am sure they ill have a blast.
That is all for now. Check in again for another edition of "Now What Are They Doing?"