Sunday, April 19, 2009

Playing In The Dirt

We sure got a lot done outside Saturday. Sue finished painting the trim around the new window. It looks like it has always been there.

We also dug out all the rocks around the well head out front. It was lined with rocks and had plantings in it. Now the rocks are out back and form a nice border around the woodpile. We wanted to clear out the area out front because it did nothing but collect leaves. A little more leveling and it will be ready for sod or seed.

We also finished framing around the big trees in front of the front deck. We will fill that with rock.

We need another seven cubic yards of dirt delivered so we can bring up a few levels and do some lawn repair. I would like to sod, but I am sure that once I see the price of sod, we will seed instead.

Tune in again real soon for another edition of "Now What Are They Doing?"

1 comment:

Scott said...

I've done sod and seed - but hydro seed is the best IMO.