I think that everyone who hates winter can thank me for the mild or almost non existent winter this year.
I bought a new John Deere tractor and blower that apparently scared away winter. You are welcome.
So far this month we have smashed record temperatures almost every day.
We have been beating records by over 20 degrees many days, not the usual degree or two.
The trees and plants are blooming a full six weeks early this year. What this means....I don't know. 80 degrees in Minnesota in March! I am not complaining!
It ain't over til it's over! You may get to use that new John Deere yet. It's Minnesota after all.
Usually by April 1st here in MO. things are starting to change and by the 12th of April it is usually greening up,that is the way it is now here.all the trees are in bloom our Bradford Pear had the white blooms at the same time as the Forsythia blooms,I have put water in the fresh water tank and tested all the piping for our trip, If we get a cold night I will put a space heater inside. Hope it lasts until we leave for Florida on the 19th of April. Be safe out there. How's your Bride doing. Sam & Donna..
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