What a busy time it has been this summer. Between work and work, there has been no free time....except for today.
But first, yesterday.
We held our Third annual Bag Toss for the Red Cross. It was a huge success with a great crowd that had a fantastic time.
KEYC TV was there covering the event. Two of their news anchors even competed for the famous Red Cross Golden Bag Media Award. They looked good, but not good enough to beat the team from Hot 96.7 Radio. KEYC news story.
It was great to hang out with Stunt Monkey from Hot 96.7 and Annie, Mallory and Lisa from KEYC.
Ok,fast forward to today.
The airport hosted a fly in breakfast for vintage aircraft as well as experimental aircraft.
There must have been at least 100 planes that flew in for the event and I determined that each one of them turned out to be my favorite.

I saw nearly a dozen vintage planes that I had flown in the past. That was cool, but because of that, am I also vintage?