Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Is Here

The last several weeks here in Minnesota have been amazing. Our temperatures have been anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees above normal with no rain.
About 75% of the leaves are off the trees now, but I did get a few pictures several weeks ago. The colors were past their prime, but you will get the general idea.

Today is another story. We are getting wind gusts up to 60 mph and the temps are in the low 40's at best. For sure, Fall is here!
We have a lot of trees here on Coyote Ridge and that means leaves everywhere. For the past four weeks or so we have been mowing and chopping the fallen leaves about every four days so that we can stay ahead of the game.
Now the fun begins trying to time out the last of the leaves coming down and the snow.
I try to keep the mower on the tractor for as long as possible and yet try to time it out so the snow blower is installed on it in time for the snow. I hate getting caught with snow and the mower is still installed in anticipation of getting all the leaves chopped.
Last week we winterized the camper for the winter. That is always a sad time, knowing that the season is over.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Keep On Keepin On

Still busy as all get out here at work after record rains hit the area. Who would have thought that 10-12 inches of rain would cause so much trouble! I guess the fact that the ground was saturated and the rivers pretty full before the rain ever hit has something to do with it.

We were fortunate that Coyote Ridge was not affected by the rain. We only had 5.5 inches with no ill affects other that some pretty full streams running through the property. Actually, the sound of the rushing water was very nice.

Once I catch my breath, breath Bob breath, I will try to catch you up on happenings.

Link to Pictures