Monday, August 10, 2009

Outdoor Trail Camera

My last blog talked about getting an outside heat activated camera to place in the woods so we could photograph the lions, tigers and bears (oh my) who inhabit our woods.

The first night, nothing tripped it's trigger. The next day was another story:

Hey wait....that's my perfect dog Lucy romping in the woods. The camera was pointed towards the sun so the picture is washed out. I am very sure that the sun will not bother the camera at night.

It was pretty weird standing out in the woods downloading from the tree attached camera to my laptop. I ordered two data cards so I can swap out the cards and not have to take my computer into the woods.

We will have to see what stumbles past the camera tonight so stay tuned for another edition of "Now What Are They Doing?"

1 comment:

Ben Meyer said...

Maybe you'll get a picture of Sasquatch!