Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Some Of This And Some Of That

By the title of today's blog topic, you are probably able to ascertain that it will be something like the famous Minnesota Hot dish....some of this and some of that.

We are very busy getting ready for the "downsizing sale". I just can't believe all the "stuff" we have collected/hoarded over the years. We have two buildings FULL of stuff to get rid of and I don't think we have even scratched the surface yet.

The weather here is finally starting to take a turn for the better. It should as we are half way through April already. Yesterday was VERY windy with gusts up to 55 mph. Oh well, statistically April is the windiest month.

Looking back through some pictures recently, I discovered a few more shots we took on our motorcycle trip from Minnesota through Wisconsin, Michigan, Ontario and back home. It was a fantastic 2100 miles with breathtaking scenery.

I sure am glad I pulled a trailer behind my bike. We really did have all the conveniences of home.

Speaking of trailers. I found a beautiful trailer resort. It MAY be kind of a red neck place, but none the less I am sure the folks are friendly!

That is all for now. I sure do hope you come back tomorrow for another version on "Now What Are They Doing?"


Peter in Australia, still said...

This place looks great. Where is it located?

4 Bravo Foxtrot said...

Where is this? I wouldn't say redneck place, it looks more like artists might live there. I'd live there if I knew all the people around me.

Bob said...

I have no idea where this is...but I will give them an A for being crafty! Bob