Wow...what a schedule for this weekend.
If you read this blog on a regular basis you may recall that we have had several ill-fated attempts at having a garage sale this Spring.
The first two weekend attempts ending in failure. The weather was absolutely terrible. Wind, rain and COLD. Well, today is the day we try to make up for the past attempts. The weather forecast is calling for cloudy, highs in the mid 70's and 35mph winds. That sure beats the previous weather. So we will see what happens today between Noon and 6PM.
Tomorrow morning we go visit the garbage truck that parks about five miles from our home every Saturday morning. It is "free" to the township residents, tho I am sure the fee is buried somewhere in our taxes. The nice thing about this system is that they take anything except tires, batteries and chemicals. We have a full pickup truck of "junk" to deposit tomorrow.
At noon tomorrow we have a birthday party for Harv and a college graduation party for our nephew Luke to attend in Owatonna,MN.
At three o'clock we have a graduation party for the daughter of the person who does our payroll for us. We just have to attend that one. Gotta keep the payroll person happy you know!
Sunday at noon we will be attending a birthday party for another nephew. John will turn three.
Also this weekend our son Ben and his wife Anna will celebrate their third wedding anniversary. They are a very cute couple.
I am glad to be writing about all these positive events today as we were all prepared for some very bad weather that had been forecast for yesterday and last night. We were hearing reports of "storms of epic proportions" and "the perfect storm". You know the drill....super high winds, severe thunderstorms, hail and tornadoes. I didn't hear anything about locusts. Hmm, I probably missed that part.
Anyway, it missed us and we are all fine.
I will take pictures this weekend and post them as soon as I can.
As I like to say.."Tune in again soon for another edition of Now What Are They Doing?"