Friday, May 30, 2008

How Rude Of Me

For the past week or so I have been telling you all about or trip through 10 states and part of Canada. I have gone into some detail about the four of us, especially Harv, and plenty of pictures.

I am very guilty of not telling the entire story. There was "another" among us and her role in this adventure was critical.

Her name was, and still is, Jill. Jill is the navigator that we never leave home without. She is wonderful to travel with. She never asks to stop so she can pee and she never gets hungry. Her one quirk, if you will, is that she is a bit of a perfectionist. Every turn we make that she doesn't agree with results in a semi-polite oral interjection.....RE-CALCULATING.

Jill is our GPS unit who knows everything. She knows every road, restaurant, motel, gas station, tourist attraction, get the picture.

Jill is a real charm to be around if you like nerdy. She keeps track of everything including maximum speed on the trip....81.7 mph. Oooops...I was just trying to get around that speeding Amish buggy Mr. State Patrol officer sir.

Thank you Jill for a job well done!

1 comment:

Ben Meyer said...

Isn't it funny how we name our belongings? I named my GPS Victoria. She used to be named Vicki until I pressed a button and she developed a British accent.